Thursday, June 13, 2013

A few Good Men...

A very handsome guy!
I like the profile and lighting in this photograph.
A very Dapper guy!

Thought I would give you just a couple more Men to inspire you. Aren't they wonderful? I would love to write a little more but we have those flat line winds and thunderstorms starting. Ugh! Hoping they pass through quickly and with little damage. My ears are a popping so the millibars are changing. Never good. Time to shut off the computer and keep an eye on things outside. Have a great weekend!


  1. I love those photos! I really hope the storm doesn't do to much damage!

  2. I know you'll be missing your dad this Sunday as much as I will mine! xo

  3. I just stopped by to catch up. I do so enjoy my visits here, Elizabeth. Tnx for the photos of men - they are hard to find! The sauces sound yummy. Your blog is very special, you know, with great art and photos, recipes, and always something interesting shared. By the way, we have hydrangeas blooming at my new home too. It's been such fun seeing what's blooming in our yard. We have a smoke tree, a flowering crabapple, a dogwood, a Japanese maple, snowball bushes, miniature lilacs, day lilies, and others I've yet to identify. God has blessed me "real good"!


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