Monday, June 3, 2013

Comfort Food & a Friend

Salmon & Mussels over pasta with a Vodka Tomato sauce.

Baked Chicken with Fried Okra and Mac & Cheese, Yummy.

Last week I went out with a friend for lunch. We try to meet at least once a month and catch up with each other's lives. We trade off on the check and try to eat local. 

Let me just say that it is always good eating. I had the Salmon & Mussels which was delicious. The mussels were so tender. The Salmon and the Vodka sauce seemed to sing together. I also had an order of the fried Okra. I love fried okra. It is one of my comfort foods.

My friend M.B. had the Roast Chicken, Mac & Cheese, and fried Okra. Definitely all comfort food. She has had a rough couple of month's. Both her boys are in the military. One just got out last week, the other is in Afghanistan. His wife is pregnant with their second child. Lots of stuff going on. Please send up a prayer or two for all of those overseas who are fighting for our freedom and their families here at home. They really need them.

It is always nice to just sit and share a meal with friends. It is one of the things that everyone should take an hour or so do. One of life's little pleasure that should be experienced regularly.


  1. Boy, how I miss fried okra...your post actually made my mouth water. There's nothing like good friends enjoying good food!

  2. What fun to have a friend to share delicious food with. We are very appreciative of the military in this household. Please thank her for us. When one family member serves, it's a commitment for everyone.


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