Thursday, June 27, 2013

Digital Photograph - Masked Cows

Masked Cows

Aren't these guys amazing? 
One of my favorite things to do when I travel is to 
get off the major highway and just ride for awhile. I 
keep heading in the direction I am going, but I take the scenic route. I discover so many interesting places, and see things that most take for granted. There are so many jewels out there to see and experience. I love 
the roadside flowers, the barns, the smell of the freshly mowed hay, the little towns and gas stations.

The beautiful animals and birds that are out there. 
I found these beauties in Virginia. I stopped and they 
came to see what I had to offer. Cows are terribly curious and skittish. These guys were checking me out as I snapped away. I love these two with their masked faces. They must be the super heroes in their herd.


  1. We always prefer the backroads instead of the interstate. So much more relaxing and interesting.

  2. i love cows....i don't know why..they just speak to me.


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