Monday, June 10, 2013

Freebies - Men

I love everything about this man. From his bowler hat, the watch chain and the cane. I think he would definitely be called a dapper.

This gentleman looks like he would rather be somewhere else. Maybe reading a book. His boots are not to worn and his coat fits him.

He has definitely seen his barber before this picture was taken. A nice shave. Love his watch chain.

This fellow has decided on a casual pose. His hat in hand and the cane make him a definite dapper also.

Ahh! Muttonchops. Thank goodness we do not see too many of them anymore.

Quite the mustache this gentleman has going on. The top hat and coat really take the look to new levels. He is obviously is quite well dressed. I wonder where he is going.

I love men. Everything about the male species is quite fascinating to me. They think, move, smell, and do everything so different than women. A constant mystery. 

With Father's Day coming up I thought men freebies would be very appropriate. This will be my second fatherless Father's Day. However, I am remembering all the wonderful things about my father. There are so many. I was so blessed to have him as my father and doubly so to have had him in my life for so very long. 

With that said. Please honor your father's, not just on Sunday, but everyday that you can. Those who still have your father's remember to tell them you love them, and those who have lost their father's remember to just be the best you can be, the happiest you can be. That is all any father would want. Those of you who have children, remember to thank their father. What a gift he gave you. 

Enjoy these images.


  1. I love the third guy-despite his ears! Always wonderful to get vintage photos of men to use!!

  2. I love looking at old pictures of men. I like to decide if I'd be attracted to them, LOL. That guy with the ears -- not so much, haha.

  3. you are toooooo generous and I thank you!!!

  4. Thanks so much. I needed a few more good men...for a project...LOL.

  5. Wonderful new freebies, Elizabeth! Thank you very much!!!
    I hope you are well and you enjoy the season?
    Have a good week my dear.
    Hugs and smile
    MARTINA oxo

  6. Thank you so much. I may use one or more of these photos for a story I am writing. I love these photos, we hardly ever see such wonderful pictures of men and I just love everything about these. You share such wonderful things, Thank you again. Hugs, Mary


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