Thursday, June 13, 2013

It Started with a Paint Chip...

My freshly painted door with its freshly polished door knocker.

I bought my paint at Lowe's. It is Eddie Bauer Valspar Duramax exterior paint with primer built in, Full Sun EB1-1

This is how it started out. Make sure you wash and dry your door before you start. I also taped the sides.

My finished door with three coats of paint.

Yesterday I painted my front door. I have been waiting to do so for about three weeks. Finally, the weather looked like it might hold for the whole day. I had all the supplies and was up bright and early. It was a go.

First, I researched different paints, then colors. My house is brick with white trim and black shutters. My door was white. I had a white door at the beach and decided that I really wanted something different at this house. The brick on my house has an orange tinge to it. It is pretty against the green of the trees and the green grass.

Second, different colors for front doors mean different things. In Ireland a red door means you are welcoming good fortune for the new year. In many countries a red door means prosperity and good luck. Red at my house would not look too good with the brick. A purple door means you are creative and are lots of fun. I love purple but again not sure with my brick. Green was another idea. I love hunter green. I had hunter green shutters at the beach. It did not seem right for this house. 

This house is one of those houses that when you walk in you feel like you are home. It has good light, good feelings. It is a surprise every time you walk in. Do you know what I mean? It is a "feel good" house. I wanted a door that said that. Yellow was the answer. Now, when I open my door a bit of sunshine just flows right in. When you pass my house on the street and look up, a bit of sunshine hits you. I love my new door color. 

I took all the hardware off - knobs, lock, door knocker. The door knocker was so black I think it must have been on there since the door was hung. It was heavy also. I thought maybe it was brass, so I got out the polish. In between coats of paint I polished and polished and polished. Finally, a beautiful door knocker was revealed.

I did three thin coats of paint. The door was white plus the paint had a built in primer which helped a lot. Thin coats dry much faster. It took about and hour and a half between coats. I used a brush to do the indentations of the door panels and a small roller to do the rest. I wrapped the roller and brush in Saran Wrap in between coats. The last coat of paint I waited about 4 to 5 hours before I returned the hardware and closed the door. I wanted to make sure everything had dried and set up nicely. 

I bought a gallon of paint which had a rebate. I plan on using the paint again to do another door on a garden shed I plan on getting this fall, to do a stool, and some window boxes for said shed. If you are just doing your door, then a quart would be more than enough. All in all, it cost me less than $40.00 and a little time. [A quart would cost you much less.] This morning I got two compliments from my neighbors already. Whoo Hoo!


  1. I love this yellow door...walking into sunshine!

  2. I love it....I have been looking at door colors lately. It is good to know a quart of good paint would do it...I am kind of thinking turquoise.
    Your yellow door looks awesome...So bright and cheerful!

  3. I love your new sunny door! :)


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