Thursday, June 27, 2013

Seed Catalog Freebies













Today I thought I would share some of these old catalogs with you. I think they are so beautiful. The colors and and the way the flowers and vegetables are presented are glorious. You can still find these online,
at used book stores, antique stores, and thrift shops. 

Many years ago with my first garden I started collecting them when I stumbled on my first one. Now I have a collection. Most important they help me identify that roadside rose or graveyard plant I wander across on my journey. I know the names of many old plants thanks to these old catalogs. 

My gardening now consists of lots of herbs, some tomatoes on my back deck, and lots of flowers. I must admit I enjoy going to the local produce stands or the farmers market here in town. I like the atmosphere and the selection. Plus, I find things I would not think of growing. 

I miss having a big garden. I enjoyed the sun and the dirt. Even the weeding was fun, although I used the hay method. Where you put down hay around your plants and through the rows to keep the weeds to a minimum. At the end of the season you use the rototiller to plow it all under and enrich your soil. Ah those were the days. I hope you are all enjoying your gardens and if not the local produce!
p.s. wouldn't these printed on fabric and then sewn make stunning pillows or sachets?


  1. just happened on your post from Mel's list. The photos are beautiful, I know I will enjoy your blog.

  2. It would definitely make a wonderful quilt!

  3. These are some of the nicest images of their kind that I have seen. I will use them in card making. It is so nice that the dates are legible after printing.

    On the set of the Scott's pink roses and the greenhouse, if you save the first image, the computer acts as if the greenhouse is still the same image and you can't save both at once. Is this something that you can correct?

    Thanks for your beautiful and interesting blog!

  4. Paula you will need to save these individually. To save right click on image. Then click on Open Image in New Window. Then left click on image twice and you will get the large image to save. Hope this helps.

  5. these are so pretty ! thanks a lot ! i shared the link here :


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