Sunday, September 15, 2013

Freebies - Women whose eyes tell it all

"You can see it in her eyes" never a truer word said than when you look at this woman. 

Here is the girl I used in my collage Remembering the Past.

She looks like she just stepped out of Gone with the Wind. I can not imagine all that she has seen.

I see Hope and self assurance here in these eyes.

Kindness, intelligence, a peacemaker. Her eyes are so beautiful. They are like liquid.

She has seen more than one person can imagine. It has not been an easy life, but a proud life.

I have been very busy, visiting and traveling up and down Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Lucky me.
I have visited with my cousins, my mother, my friends and family. I have seen a lot the past few weeks.
With that in mind I thought this weeks freebies should somehow celebrate the long vacation I have had. So, here is an array of women who are able to tell their stories through their eyes. They bare witness to their life stories by just sitting in front of the camera. Enjoy!

p.s. I have missed you all! Your kind comments and thoughts. I am back for awhile.
Looking forward to catching up and the cool, crisp air of Fall.


  1. cool crisp air of fall...more sweet words i have not heard!!! 92 cool air here for sometime. wish i lived in a state with SEASONS!!
    here we have hot,a bit less hot and well,crap ,wore a sweater this morning and now it's hot!!
    to enjoy spring and the fall..the different scents they each have..and the sounds! i'd enjoy summer more if it didn't last so danged long!
    a lovely time you had!!
    these photos are marvelous! these women have seen so much. there is a look in each of their eyes!! they've known joy,sadness and so much more. thank you for sharing these!!!
    delighted that you had such a good time!!

  2. Thank you for these beauties, Elizabeth! Glad you could visit with lots of friends and family.

  3. these women's eyes do tell it all.
    i especially love the next to the last one with the comment "Kindness, intelligence, a peacemaker. Her eyes are so beautiful. They are like liquid."

    just lovely

  4. i have missed you....missed you like an old friend. i'm grateful you had time to travel and to enjoy your family. you put them before everything else. you strike me as someone who has her priorities straight. so good to have you back. i loved the pictures of these women and wonder so about their lives and their hopes and dreams; and with the eldest of them all, wonder if their lives turned out better than they ever thought. i hope that for them. thank you for sharing such beauty on your blog. i look forward to every a friend showing up at my door.

  5. Thank you so much for your generosity, Elizabeth. I used the last little lady for an entry at Digitalmania, to be created in the style of Stephanie Rubiano. It's here


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