Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Favorite Fall Hangout - The Farm Stand

Doesn't this just make you want to grab a bunch and make something!

I love fresh potatoes and onions. They taste so much better.

I always buy a few jars of homemade jam, barbecue sauce, honey from the area, and here I found Peach Salsa. It all looks so good.

I just bought some of these and made a hot vinegar that is excellent on pork, rice, greens. Yum.

I love all the different colors you can get these in. I love the red and orange the best. Here they even had purple peppers.

Don't these peaches look beautiful? South Carolina grows the best peaches. Something about the dirt or maybe the runoff from the mountains. They are so sweet.

These little peppers are hot! They make really good hot vinegar in pretty jars for gifts. I also like to dry them and use in chili, soup and stews for a bit of a bite.

A nice way to say thanks for stopping by!

I love to stop by a good produce stand. I think it is another one of the reasons I like to get off the big highways. Locally grown tastes so much better than things that have been shipped from who knows where. This stand is in South Carolina. My cousin and I stopped after a particularly good day of thrifting. I will say the peaches were great and the boiled peanuts were the best I have had in a long time. A good day was had by all. Please enjoy your local produce stands!


  1. i have not been to a farm stand in a few years! once in a while a seller brings strawberry from Oxnard and sells them on the corner near us. they do have "farmers markets" at the local mall,but i never get up there. pity!!! your photos make me want to go!!!

  2. Your hot vinegar sounds so yummy...we eat a lot of oriental greens and it would make an excellent pairing! I've only used the habernos in my Jamaican jerk marinade! Oh, and I float one or two in some of the Indian dishes I make to add that extra flavor layer.

    I'm not sure my gmail account shows up since I discontinued by is.


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