Monday, January 13, 2014

Digital Photograph - The Blue Truck

The Blue Truck

I sort of feel like this blue truck looks. It has been an exciting holiday time and New Year. Lots of company and travel. Unfortunately, I brought home some kind of cough and sore throat in my travels. My brother had pneumonia 
so I have been sort of hoping I did not bring that with me. After a few days of feeling really bad. Then a few more days in bed I am on the upswing. Things are feeling much better.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year! That you have been making resolutions and figuring out how to stick to them. I am a firm believer in setting goals for yourself.

Did everyone get through the Polar Vortex? I thought it was actually pretty fun. It has been a long time since I experienced that much cold. It got pretty cold here in the mountains. I think our lowest was -8 with a windchill of -21. The doors to my car froze along with the windows. I got the door open but the windows never thawed enough to roll down. Other than that things here were fine. My 
sister had a different experience. Two days with no water. Then the pipes burst. All is well now. But still an inconvenience.

It is warm now here in the mountains. In the 50's. We have had a lot of rain the past couple of days with more to 
come tonight. It is either beautiful out or gray. [Depending on what side of a mountain you are on.] I have been working on a few new ventures. I hope to be able to share them with you in the next week or two. Now it 
is time to eat, drink and rest some more! 


  1. I love old trucks!! Your digital photo is great!!

  2. Get well soon, Elizabeth! And, well, I guess I feel a bit like your blue truck these days, too (knee pain). Hah!


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