Sunday, January 26, 2014

Digital Photographs - The Rabbit Hutch...

The Rabbit Hutch
Driving to and from the beach I like to take a little detour through the coastal plain.
Thousands of years ago this was just a swamp.
The soil is black and cotton and tobacco are the crops. This one farm I like to go by has this great barn. It is now a huge rabbit hutch. It started out with a few black bunnies. Now they are everywhere. Lots and lots of bunnies.

The farmer lets them free range. The barn is their nesting site. They do not wander too far from the barn/hutch. There are now about over fifty of them. I think some of the locals have moved in too. It is quite a sight to behold.

A few bunnies deciding whether they should stay out or not.

It has been about two years since I first spotted my first couple of bunnies here. Now it is like a bunny farm. I have often thought that this would be fun. I do think you would have to keep them out of your vegetables and flowers. It is pretty amazing. I just thought I would share with you one of my road trip sights!

1 comment:

  1. I love the bunnies. How wonderful to "Discover" this treasure and watch it grow. I'm green with envy. Love your blog. It's inspiring. Thanks


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