Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day...

It started snowing here yesterday. The news said we were 
to have several inches of snow and very cold weather. Yikes. I immediately grabbed my new camera, some boots, and my car keys and off I went. There is a bird sanctuary here that I like to walk through. It is good exercise and the scenery is park like. I thought it would be a great place to take some snow pictures.
The bird sanctuary is covered with these walkways. It keeps you out of the nesting areas. There is also some low lying areas and small creeks that they want you to stay out of. You can see everything without disturbing it. The small creeks connect to a larger lake so there is all sorts of wildlife. A nice place to get away for a bit.

Here are a few of the residents. They look a little on the cold side. They were nestled in the farthest back creek
out of the wind. Snow was still an issue. They are quiet and have paired up quite nicely. I am hoping to see some babies in the Spring.

This is my quiet spot. The creek comes off the lake here. It is beautiful here during every season. I love the oak tree. The bench was a bit cold to sit on today. I feel 
very peaceful here.
This is standing on the edge of the lake. It is covered with snow and a thin layer of ice. Our lakes do not get as cold as the northern lakes where you can drive a car on them or walk on them. Here they are just dangerous and beautiful.  I thought I would share part of my snow day walk with you. Hope everyone is warm and safe.


  1. Beautiful snow day pics...That oak tree is fabulous...we only have rain at the moment in the UK....keep warm... Hugs May x x x

  2. Beautiful snow day pics...That oak tree is fabulous...we only have rain at the moment in the UK....keep warm... Hugs May x x x

  3. Wonderful photos. The one I like most is the one with the ducks. I love any kind of ducks, including Donald. ;-) Greetings from Germany, Lille-bee


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