Friday, July 18, 2014

Road Trip Freebies...

They look ready to conquer the world!

Remember to enjoy the simple things along the way.

Traveling alone can open up lots of opportunities.

Traveling with a friend is fun!

A family trip is always enlightening

One of the pleasure of summer is being
able to take a road trip.
The destination is not as important as the
I thought I would start anew with some road
trip freebies.
I hope each one of you finds the time to 
take a road trip, even if it is just for
a day.
Hope you enjoy!


  1. Thank you, Elizabeth, so good to hear from you and glad you are blogging again. I've been on a 2 year vacay from my blog. I did lose over 90 pounds, not able to walk and chew gum apparently haha, but I'm thinking of returning to mine as well. I shall take your actions as motivation. Stay cool! xoxo

  2. My pleasure Peggy.
    Aimeslee that is fantastic that you have lost 90 pounds. That is like losing a whole person. My goodness! You must feel so much better. I am very proud of you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Elizabeth,
    I am so glad to see that you are back blogging! I love seeing your beautiful photos and hearing your stories.
    Fitz is adorable!! What fun to have such a sweet little guy in your life!

  5. Wonderful photos of spunky women, Elizabeth. Thank you for sharing! A very good friend and I used to go on what I called "rambles". I would find a unique little shop or restaurant within a 60 mile radius of our city, and off we would go on back roads to explore. It was such fun. My friend went on the "final ramble" a couple of years ago. I miss her and our wonderful rambles!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope all is well. I miss your wonderful blogging!


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