Thursday, August 20, 2015

Little Boy Freebies...

What a cutie! Makes me ready for the State Fair.

Love the hat and boots.

Ruffles and a puppy!

Love the Trike!

He looks like a little man.

I have been spending a lot of time
with my boys this Summer. It has
been lots of good times. They have
grown up to be such incredible
people. I really enjoy them. So...
for all of you I am putting these
freebies out there for you.
Compliment a young man this week
end. Tell a young boy how super
he is. Give some confidence to some
one today. It might make their life.


  1. Great photos. Thanks for sharing! I appreciate your words as well.

  2. It sounds like you had a great summer with your boys.
    Thank you sharing the lovely images, Elizabeth. I especially love the boy with the sheep.

  3. thanks for some fabulous images!


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