Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Art in a Carton

This is a round robin of sorts. maybe a trade thing. or maybe a RAK. I am not sure what to call it but it is the brain child of Susan Letham. She is from England but lives in Germany. She decided to send out 52 carton's to artsy folks asking them to do three in return. Each carton is filled with original art work and arty supplies. She has several examples on her blog. The first art carton you receive you send one back to that person. The next two are to go to the participants that have their address in the next two you receive. Very clever idea. Read more on her blog at art in a carton. The link to her blog is on my sidebar.

1 comment:

  1. I joined this project too...got an email yesterday that my carton is in the mail ! I can't wait to see it.
    By the way...your blog is fantastic ! Lots of good ideas that I plan to try. Marilyn


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