Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bead Weekend

It was wild with beads at my house this weekend. I had Art girlfriends joining the family chaos for the weekend. They brought beads and jewelry making supplies. My kitchen table became bead central. These are just some of the ten pairs of sterling and crystal earrings and one cute baby bracelet Denita made. The bling was flying. I love the aqua beads. The long earrings make you feel like putting on a swirly skirt and dance.

I worked on some 4 by 4's, 2by 2's, and some ATC's. They are all for swaps and a few for trades. I will post them when I am finished and they are sent out. I hate to spoil the surprise.
It was hard getting anything but food and fun this past weekend. I felt very renourished from being with my family and friends. Even though I did not get a lot of art done this weekend It was really fun watching every one else work on things. That alone was inspiring.

Laurel made the butterfly. She stamped The image with Fabrico ink on to a heavy piece of pellon. The face is polymer clay that she will tint an anchor onto the piece with beads. Isn't it amazing what you can do with a few tubes of seed beads and a needle and thread. I believe this will be a beautiful brooch when she is finished.

1 comment:

  1. amazing! what a lovely brooch it will make, loving it already


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