Friday, May 30, 2008

Bandanna Technique

We spend a lot of our time waiting. Waiting for the doctor, dentist, our car to be repaired, the carpool line, etc. This technique is the perfect make a few samples ahead of time and doodle away while you wait. The above is my hour and a half wait at the car service place this morning.

I first read about this on several of my yahoo group message boards. You do your backgrounds with ranger inks, then stamp and doodle away with a black and white pen. The effect is like the bandanna we have all on occasion worn.

I could explain it in great detail. However, I think the source is always the place to go. So with that I hope I have perked your interest and I will turn you over to Robin Beam from Ranger Industries. Her blog site with directions is
I will have the site on a favorites list on my sidebar also.


  1. lovely ideas - thanks for your generousity!

  2. great ideas and how generous of you to share!

  3. Gorgeous, these turned out fantstic! Your doodling is so beautiful, you're very talented.

  4. I just got the bird stamp and I am in love with it! Nice art here!!!

  5. these are fabulous and fun - I love the colors and the bird stamps are so cute. thanks for sharing.


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