Friday, May 30, 2008

Using Scraps for Art

My work table becomes full of scraps after several projects. I try as I go along to sort by paper, text, image, material, etc. I throw everything into a small gift box size box till it is about half full. Then I take my scrap paper I have inked or painted on and start to glue down the scraps. Some are half images, or images that didn't print or transfer the way I wanted. There is no rhyme or reason to the gluing, just get rid of the scrap. It is very therapeutic and often before I start a larger project it gets me in the mood. After I have glued onto the paper I get out my inks, some neutral acrylics and some transparent acrylics and just swipe color combo's over the paper.
I keep baby wipes close by to wipe out areas that don't agree with me or I have put on with a heavy hand.

Now the fun begins. I usually scan the finished sheet so I can use it or parts of as background for another piece. Then, I like to cut the original up and make ATC's or skinnies out of it. The top picture is a finished sheet. The middle picture is a skinny I mades from the original adding a piece of fabric and words. Last is an ATC I added some words to and did a little pen detail work. I was able to make several more skinnies and a ATC out of the rest. These sheets are also fun to use as journal covers for small journals. Or background pieces for cards.

This is a good way to play with color combinations. Also different mediums... ink on top of acrylic, oil pastels, etc. You can even sew on it before you cut it up, just be sure to let your adhesive dry before you sew. There is no right or wrong, just energy. Plus, all those little pieces you just can't bear to toss out get turned into something fun!


  1. Great results, I have boxes of scraps and love what you have done here - brilliant

  2. Love them all three, but "She was" is my favourite - great work!

  3. The doodleart was fun to look and so is the rest of your blog.


  4. Great blog but I especially love this post. What a great way to use scraps. and the images are tremendous. JOhn

  5. Love these pieces. The colours are wonderful as are the images you have used.


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