Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Janet's Dew

We arrived at the family reunion in honor of the grandparents wedding anniversary just as the rain had stopped and the clouds cleared up and the sun began to dry everything up. Cool for May. All the food had been laid out and the line was beginning to form. Yum. The smells were divine and the line definitely was in the mood to celebrate. Hello's were said and the business of sampling everything began. A quiet hum descended. Only the very young had time to waste on talk. After the first round the questions of 'who made this?" what's in this dressing?"began. Then the finale -desserts. Enough to do a baker proud. Every year there is a standout. This year Janet Purser's Dew was THE ONE. I grabbed my handy purse journal and the quiz began. So thank you Janet for allowing me to share this with all.

Janet's Dew
4 apples or peaches
2 cans of Pillsbury low fat crescent rolls
1 stick butter
cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice
10 ounces of Mountain Dew

Wash, peel and core or pit the apples or peaches.
Quarter them. Wrap each quarter in a crescent roll.
Lay in 9 by 13 inch baking pan. Do this till you have used up all the fruit and crescent rolls.
Melt butter and add spices - around one teaspoon or so each.
Pour mixture over rolls.
Open Mountain Dew pour ten ounces over rolls.
Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Serve as is or with vanilla ice cream.

You will be a hit with this one. It is delightful.

1 comment:

  1. I gotta try this one...it sounds weird but I bet it's good...did she come up with this recipe? Melinda


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