Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On the Hunt

Saturday was a busy day. Out of town friends down for "pig pickin". We left early so we could do a little thrift store an antique store shopping. So much fun to go with girlfriends who have an eye for cool stuff to decorate with and recyclables we can use in our art work. They understand when you find that key ring with all the old keys, some engraved with lions on them, or the perfect green fruit box that has been turned into a little cabinet with shelves and they even left the label on in the inside. I love it when you find some odd thing you think would look great hanging up with jewelry or a nice assemblage piece attached to it and one says what is it and the other says "Oh I have one like that. I hang earrings from it." Like minds. So this is part of my Saturday haul. Two great pieces of Haeger white pottery and a beautiful piece of green McCoy. Lots of bits and pieces of lace and ribbon, Victorian gloves and a cute PINK bird perfume bottle. Treasures to find homes and new uses for. On to the "pig pickin".

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