Thursday, August 21, 2008


I received this award this week from Debbi Baker. Thank you so much! Make sure you check out Debbie's blog it is very cool. I love the way this award looks. Perfect for this back to school week. This award is for blogs you really like to visit. As most of the awards go, you are to nominate seven blogs with their blog links, email them, post this award on your blog with the link going back to the person who awards you the award, and then they nominate or award seven blogs. It has perpetual motion and good feelings.
I also received this award a week later from Andrea. Getting this award twice is truly an honor. Thank you, this is truly humbling. Please check out Andrea's blog. She is hip and full of life.

So, I am awarding these people and their blogs. Their blogs make me feel inspired, bring something new to the worktable, are just fascinating to me. So with a jazz band playing in the background......
1. Altered Route ...Connie is a real cowgirl. Her blog speaks of the new modern west.
2. Ko-ok ...Kelsy is another down under girl who really shines. Check out her inchies and what she has done with them.
3. My studio 13....Carrie is fresh and real.
4. The colour guru ...Keron will wow you...also a down under artist.
5. sannas art mind ... Susan is new to the blog world but I am expecting great things from her. When you first start you need lots of encouragement. I know this for a fact.
6. Sandees-sanity ... Sandee is another east coast girl who is like a breath of fresh air.
7. Justlilla ...Lilla is vintage, lace, and exquiste embroidery. It is Aloha from Hawaii.


  1. thank you so much for your kind & encouraging words - I have had a lovely 'cruise' around your blog & it is delightful - no wonder Deb is a fan....BUT my fav. shot is of your BEST WORK - your Princess at One - having a Princess ourselves (who just turned Two - we know what joy they bring to your world!)
    thanks again, hugs Keron

  2. Elizabeth, thanks for the award and for stopping by my place.
    I do love to make new friends.
    aloha Lilla

  3. Thank-You for the nice award! I had fun running around finding 7 as there are so many great blogs to choose from. I have been enjoying your collage art...and I aways check for another recipe!
    Thanks Elizabeth!


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