Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to School - altered board book

Getting together with other artists to create on a regular basis one to one is very inspiring. I am fortunate to belong to two local groups of mixed media an altered art groups. Some months we challenge each other with certain projects. Other times we are involved in round robins. In the next few week I would like to share a couple of those projects with you.

The first is an altered child's board book. The challenge was to use four pocket type templates at least five times in an altered book. We were given the templates and given two months to complete out book and bring it back to share. Many of the girls - myself included - have a technique altered book that we just constantly add to or try new things in. For this challenge I decided just to do a separate book with pockets as the structure theme.

I chose a board book, I have a whole basket of them I am trying to wheedle down to a manageable size. I also, had cleaned out and sorted most of my 12 by 12 inch papers and decided to use some of the older paper I had been hoarding. After looking at my paper the school theme was where it was going.

The next thing was to pick out some images and start. I had been going through the cabinet card collection and sorting them, too. I found a lot of teachers and young women who could have been teachers. Those would be my starting point. This book would be a little reminder for a retiring teacher - her colleagues and a postcard or letter from a student or parent. So this is what I came up with.


  1. FABULOUS!!! So much gorgeous detail! I love it all.

  2. Oh Elizabeth... this is a wonderful board know I haven't ever told you but my favorite books to alter have become bocard books...I really am hooked on them..You are so talented and I love your book...
    Linda (Okla)

  3. AwesOMEly FABulous!!!
    I am drawn to the use of these color combinations...they always make everything look ancient...which is usually the look i am going for...since you were using old images for school marms?...i am guessing you were going old...
    love all the featured techniques you included too...
    well done!

  4. Wow, your altered board book is absolutely stunning. I love all the little details. Simply perfect!

  5. Elizabeth- This book is so amazing! Since I am a teacher who just started with a brand new batch of second graders I fell in love with it! All the elements are fabulous.
    Jennifer R.D.

  6. Hello Elisabeth,

    I don't want to think of school yet... ( just 3 days before we start preparation for the 1 st september), cause I still want to create all kind of things...

    Never mind...

    Your altered book looks very nice : I also like the fact that the black triangles come back on every page ! it unites the whole book. The pockets are also fun.

    You give me some ideas for my "letters-book" I do for a round robin in my town...

    Inge from Belgium

  7. I am absolutely amazed at how much ART you get done and how beautiful it is!!!

    And thanks for the are a doll!

  8. Your Back to School book is PHENOMENAL!!!!! Absolutely intriguing. You did a great job!


  9. This is amazing! What a fantastic theme! Brilliant job.

  10. Such a nice collage project!

  11. Elizabeth, your back to school altered board book is fantastic! I'm a retired teacher who enjoys back to school a whole lot now that I don't have to go but this book brought a smile to my old face!


  12. I just found your blog. This book is lovely...

  13. Great book- love the way you pulled it together. For your you use ink or paint (glaze)? I've used both, depending on the project, wondering which you prefer

  14. This is a real beauty Elizabeth! You are so blessed to have people right there to motivate you and keep your creative juices flowing!! Thanks so much for sharing!

  15. this book is amazing! my pal, Jane, at Random Arts, just sent me a bunch of stencils and brass letters, along with a fresh batch of wholey paper - I think I'll start an altered book project. Thanks for sharing your wonderful art.

  16. Nice book...neat subject...and the pockets are perfect for this kind of book!!

  17. I Love your board book! Im working on one and sometimes its hard to work with such small space. You sure were able to fit alot on. I love the subject on each page spread.
    Trish Ackerman

  18. Wow! What a beautiful book! I love the challenge you were given, and your result is awesome, I like how all the pages are related, and I like the premise of your book. Great job!!

  19. Oh my - this is fantastic, Elizabeth. Just love it. I have been thinking of starting an art journal, and this is definitely inspiring!! Thanks for sharing your art with us!

  20. Elizabeth - this is awesome! Your colors are wonderful and I love all your images! I have 3 altered books going that I need to finish.

  21. WOW!! Love it. I have poor unused board books hanging around and this has given me the push to make them into something much more.

  22. I love your board book!!! I am just getting back into altered books and love all your details..rj

  23. All those pockets! I just spent time enlarging each photo so I could devour every last crumb of lucious creativity.



  24. gorgeous book. love the colours you used. very creative and imaginative!

  25. how cool you have a group like that to create with. I love your book. Very creative. Love the pocket challenge and how you did your pockets. Hugz, Scary

  26. I love this. Much work in it, but so worth it!


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