Monday, January 12, 2009

Blog Award - Butterfly Award

I received this award this past week from Barbara St. Jacques. So pretty, I love winged things. Barbara emailed me that she was having trouble with her blog. She was giving it a new year face lift - I wish it was that easy for us - and she had lost some info. She has since emailed me back to say the universe is again right and her blog has been fixed. Hooray. So please go and admire her work and the new face lift.
The rules for this award are;
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you the award.
3. Nominate 5 other blogs for this award [more if you want].
4. Add links to those blogs that you nominate.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

My nominees are:
1. Kristy - She has wonderful stuff on here. I love her background work.
2. Kathryn - What a lovely person. Every word and image is so peaceful and serene, filled with love. Her journal prompts are wonderful and she has opened new doors to journaling for me.
3. Melinda - This lady is a wonderful fiber artists. She is moving into mixed media and will be a force I am sure. Great color sense.
4. Audrey - She is on four different design teams, need I say more?
5. Aimee - This girl has the handwriting thing down, her wild journal pages have helped me to step outside my box. You will love her wild style. Yes, we are in Kansas.
6. Sandee - Her journal pages are great, so are her collages, a very talented artist and friend.
7. Adrienne - A lovely artist from across the pond. I love how she explains how she gets her lovely effects in her art work on her blog. Beautiful things to explore here.


  1. thanks elizabeth! your wonderful art is plenty out of the box - you certainly didn't need my help! i'm wondering where in NC you are - i spent nearly a year and a half in charlotte. beautiful state.

  2. oh wow! Thank you so much. I am so honored that you nominated me and the award is so pretty :)

    thanks bunches!


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