Monday, January 12, 2009

Stroganoff - fix early in the day - then go play

I prepare this dish ahead of time and then cook in my crock pot for 5 to 6 hours. If you turn your crock pot on low you can get away with a little longer cook time. You can cook it in a double broiler for 1 to 1/12 hours if the crock pot thing doesn't appeal to you. I serve this on top of noodles, I like thick egg noodles, but my kids like it on rice. Either way start with the rice or noodles about 25 minutes before the Stroganoff is due to be finished cooking.

1 1/2 pounds top round steak
4 medium onions, sliced
1 pound mushrooms, washed and sliced
1 cup sour cream
1 cup water
3 tablespoons flour
1/2 can or a little more, of mushroom soup
pepper, paprika to taste
secret ingredient - mace - 1 teaspoon
Parmesan cheese

Cut meat into small chunky strips - a little bigger then bite size.
Saute meat in lots of butter
Transfer to crock pot or double boiler.
Saute mushrooms and onions in drippings, add more butter if needed.
Add to beef in pot.
Add sour cream to saute pan. Scrape pan well and add to pot.
Mix water and flour well.
Add to beef mixture.
Add mushroom soup and spices. The mace makes the whole meal. I call this my secret ingredient. I do not add salt till the last thirty minutes, as salt can make your meat tough. If you want to make this Southern style, cut the water in half and use a 1/2 cup of red wine. Also throw in a small jar of pimentos for flavor, texture and color. [The jars are great for storing small beads when you are finished with them]

Serve over noodles or rice, grate a little Parmesan cheese over dish. Serve with a vegetable.
A nice steamed head of broccoli with a little lemon goes very well as a side dish with this. Again this is a meal that is good to cook on a day that you know you are going to be busy and need not to worry to much about dinner. After all when you serve this to your family you can remind them they are eating like the czars.


  1. That looks Yummy! I think I'll try it tommorrow night!

  2. This recipe looks delish Elizabeth! And the corn chowder one too! I'll be sure to add both to my winter menus! Thanks! know what I love most about this post?? That you say you can use the pimento jar as bead storage when you are done! That is using your mind like a true artist! :)

    Thank you also for sharing your journal pages. I really love those a lot! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Tamara C.


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