Monday, January 12, 2009

Blog Award - Proximidade

I am embarrassed to admit that I was given this award back in December 2008 by Gayle Page-Robak. Gayle is so talented and always on top of it, which of course makes my lateness in getting this posted even more embarrassing. So, Gayle please forgive me, I blame it on the holidays and my own slackness. please go by Gayle's blog and visit. She is on a couple of design teams and has some really incredible work.
So here goes the award part... which by the way I am truly honored to receive..."These blogs invest and believe in Proximity...nearness in space, time, and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and to be friends. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to 8 bloggers, who must then chose 8 more and include this clevery written text into the body of their award."
There goes that award. As I have received this award and awarded this award to several blogs already I am going to have to think about the blogs I wish to receive this award. I am thinking of a few already....
1. Marva at Purple Paints Muse - her blog is a riot of color and fun. Marva is one of those truly nice people you thank your lucky stars when you meet. Her muse has her sketching - a lot, and boy can you see what practice and talent can lead you to.
2. Viola - her blog is very European, I love how she works with whites and creams, something I have a hard time with. She is very generous with her freebies, also.
3. Diane at Diane's Mixed Art - Diane has her finger's in a little bit of everything. I love the flavor of her blog.
4. Teri at Quinceberry - Teri is a new York girl who isn't afraid of anything. I love her wit and her opinions. A lot of people are afraid of saying what they thin, Teri is very nice when she expresses herself. She has a lot of talent, also.

Here are four of my eight to get you started. More to come....


  1. Elizabeth - thank you so much for the award! I'm honored you thought of me! I'll try and get it done next weekend. I love your new header! The doors are awesome! Marva :)

  2. Thank you so much, Elizabeth! :o)

  3. thanks so much Elizabeth. I'm honored you thought of me !

  4. Elizabeth - I had a dream that you posted I hadn't gotten around to doing this yet! LOL! Sorry it's taken me so long, working on it now... :D Marva


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