Saturday, January 10, 2009

Photo a Day

Yesterday I was on campus and was delighted to see all the bicycles. Good to see that the college kids are tightening their belts and getting some exercise, too. This was my perspective of that.

Some one emailed me and suggested I take only one photo a day. Unfortunately, I am not that good of a photographer. Out of every ten or twenty shots I might get one that is pretty good. I am just a look, snap, and shoot type of girl. I don't plan my shots, I just see something and snap it's picture.

The advice of one a day is something I will apply to what I post. I think I will post one photo every day or two for awhile and see how that goes. I am not good about posting every day. Plus it might get really boring... On another note my forage into photoshop is going well. I have been learning all sorts of really cool things. This should make my photos more interesting. I am beginning to understand the lure of digital art.


  1. Hi I'm on the Odd Arts list. This is a great image. I really love your ones from Wed also.


    PS Thanks for the Celestial Charts!

  2. Happy New Year to you Elizabeth. You have lots of wonderful new stuff on your blog since my last visit. To much to comment on individually but I wanted to say thank you for all the Freebies you post to spark our creative side. I'm just waiting for my muse to return from holidays and then maybe I will get creative again. LOL Glad to hear the foot is healing nicely.

  3. Hi Elizabeth - I have been on holidays and missed reading blogs for a few weeks so just catching up. Love everything you are doing (as usual!) but I just had to tell you that I LOVE your new header! Doors are so evocative of new beginnings aren't they! Wishing you a wonderful (healthy and injury free) 2009!

  4. I am not sure I agree with the "one photo a day" idea...I have been enjoying them all so much! but understand that it can be time consuming...thanks for the freebies!

  5. Thanks for the freebies, Elizabeth. I like the new header although I loved the old one too. You've got such wonderful taste. I always know I can come here for some very agreeable eye-candy for which I thank you!

  6. Beautiful are so talented! Regarding Photoshop...any tips for a beginner? I received Photoshop Elements from my dh, but cannot seem to get the "layers" thing down!!

  7. I lobe this photo! The brilliant blue, then green, surrounded by the metal baskets and black seats ... very intriguing and shows again how good your eye is at selecting photographs. Happy "shooting".


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