Saturday, January 10, 2009

Freebies #15 - Celestial Charts

Aren't these wonderful? They were charted by a cartographer named John Emslie in 1846. I love the graphics on these. I thought with a new year and the first full moon right around the corner, these would be appropriate as my freebies this week. Any how I have always been fascinated with the heavens. Living by the ocean you get to see the effect the moon has on the tides and the water. It is amazing how many stars you can see at night. You can almost feel the pull of the moon at night and in the day the heat of the sun. I hope you will enjoy these as much as I do...


  1. You are so sweet to share these. I've always loved vintage celestial charts.

    If you noticed a lag in your post to the SJ yahoo board, well this is because it was flagged as spam. Gotta love Yahoo.

  2. Thanks so much for these charts and all the other things you post. Your library must be huge.

    Jan in AZ


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