Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ham Delights - Planning Ahead

I love these, in fact I am a pig when it comes to these. I had a friend in Charlotte, North Carolina that made these and would bring them to every event, baby showers, football games, bridge, bunko.Everyone likes these and with Super bowl coming up they might just be the ticket for your game day festivities. So, here is Miss Cheryl's recipe.

2 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
3 tablespoons regular yellow mustard
3 tablespoons poppy seeds
1 medium onion chopped very finely
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3/4 pound boiled ham, shredded
2/3 pound Swiss cheese, grated, or sliced
4 packages of Pepperidge Farm party rolls

Combine butter, mustard, poppy seeds, onions, and Worcestershire sauce.
Combine ham and swiss cheese separately.
Slice open party rolls. Spread both sides of roll with butter and mustard mixture.
Add ham and cheese.
Wrap stuffed rolls in aluminum foil. Store in refrigerator until ready to heat.
Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Makes 72 rolls.
These are easy to make the night before. They also freeze very well. If you freeze them cook at 375 in foil for 30 minutes.


  1. Cool ... I am going to do these for a personal art retreat I am going to the first weekend in Feb. .... thanks Linda F

  2. I have made these and they are so so so good. I am going to run out and get all the stuff to make them again.
    thanks for reminding me. yummmmmmmm.

  3. We had these at our christmas gathering this year. My Aunt Patrice made them and I fell in love with them, a must have in my recipe book now!!


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