Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Photo a day - cotton barn

Found this barn between the Virginia and North Carolina border. It was surrounded by cotton. Yes, we still grow cotton here in the south. In fact, thanks to places like The Gap and Abercrombie & Finch, and America's need for organic, cotton has become a big crop here. Did you know that they can grow cotton in colors now, too?


  1. I love how you added the text to this photo. It adds such great depth. Plus I didn't know they can grow cotton in colors. Interesting!

  2. Great photo. The lettering makes all the difference. It draws you closer. Love your work. Sharon

  3. Hi - yuour Barn photos are just amazing and I have spent a pleasant half an hour wandering through your blog - love it ... will be back

  4. Had no idea about the colors, holy cow... have to google it, lol!

  5. Love this photo. I miss being in North Carolina and you make visiting possible with your beautiful photographs! Thanks!!


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