Sunday, February 15, 2009

Disintegration Project

I have decided to join the disintegration project that Seth of The Altered Page is having. He has asked artists to make a bundle of paper and place it out in the environment and record what happens to it. The results should be known by May 1st. Click here to read more.

I thought this is brilliant. We are always trying to age our paper and make it look old, how natural to put it out in the elements and let Mother Nature help us along. I am doing six bundles. Each one will be in various place around my house. Each one is different, one is music, one is dictionary pages, one is Shakespeare, you get the idea. I wrapped them in cotton butcher twine thinking I might be able to recycle and use that also. I will record my progress here. This should be really fun.


  1. Fascinating project, I love the bundles already! I'll be keeping tabs on you to see what happens!

  2. What a brilliant idea, can't wait to see the results and maybe I will join in x

  3. what beautiful old paper! can't wait to see your results =)

  4. This is such a cool idea! I may have to try this!

  5. It will be intersting to see the effect the same weather has on different bundles around your house. Atleast paper is organic so it will be reused by nature if it does blow apart!

  6. Really like your bundles.
    Have been perusing your site, and enjoying your art!

  7. how cool to to 6! Love the variety in papers you chose, these make some lovely bundles :)

  8. Such an exciting project! Love your photos and concept!

  9. Simply perfect, and perfectly simple!! Your bundle makes me smile. :)


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.