Monday, February 9, 2009


Maude Cook by Thomas Eakins

This is one of my favorite painting by American painter Thomas Eakins. Did you know he was a student with Mary Cassatt? He was not as well liked because he insisted on realism. He insisted on painting people how they really looked, not as how they wished they looked.
The painting above of Maude is very thought provoking. I love her pink blouse. The fullness of it compared to her expression. The hint of a smile around her mouth. I think this is Eakins "Mona".


  1. Though I´ve studied art history I don´t know many American painters - I only knew Eakins´ name for example but didn´t know more about him. This painting is wonderful, so I´ll go and find out more!

  2. i love this painting- its so calm and serene, yet beautiful

  3. I love this painting- so seren and yet beautiful. Thanks for posting it!

  4. I love this painting! so serene and yet beautiful- thanks for posting it.

  5. I love this painting so serene and yet beautiful- i love it- thanks for posting!


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