Monday, February 9, 2009

Road trip - Visit to the Rock Shop

Panning boxes from Pidgeon River Mining company

Various buckets used to scoop dirt filled with treasues. Put the dirt in the mining pans.

Tables filled with rocks and glass. Any rock is $2.00 a pound. They will work with you though.

Crystals from the $2.00 table. Any crystal is $2.00 here.

Crystals from the $5.00 table. Aren't they beautiful?

Blue glass from the Fenton Glass Company in Ohio. They had all sorts of colors in these large pieces I thought they would look really spectacular in your garden. Only $2.00 a pound.

A little angel parked out front of the place. She is buried in glass. The kids really liked her. Got their attention right off. Everywhere you looked there was glass or rocks. The ground had all these glass pebbles everywhere. A really cool place to spend a few hours.

On our road trip we took a little adventure into Tennessee. We saw a sign for a large antique mall and decided to get off the interstate and check it out. Never found the antique mall, but did find this rock shop with an Antique shop in an old barn next door. Needless to say we spent several hours here.

The rock shop had rocks everywhere. Also a place you could pan for goodies. The table were broken down into $2, $5, $10, $20 tables. Then there were the tables "outback" that were $2.00 a pound. Thank goodness I had rented an empty van for all of our stuff. Yes, I came home with rocks and crystals. They make good gifts.

Speaking of gifts.... I am gettin ready for a big blog give away next month. A celebration of sorts. I hope you will check back in on March 1st. This is just a teaser.


  1. Beautiful pics. I love the glass....I've always heard it called slag glass. We have several pieces picked up from different places we've traveled and they are in our garden. Really add something extra nice. Beth

  2. A rock shop.....oh be still my heart! What a fairyland or candyland is THAT!!!
    Love your digital collage pieces, really wonderful Elizabeth! Still catching up here :)


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