Friday, February 6, 2009

Road trip - 1st stop - Mountains here we come

I don't think I am in OZ anymore. It was up early, drive to Raleigh, NC pick up "D" and head out. Our first stop was Greensboro to a big cigar outlet that usually has cigar boxes for 25 cents to $1.00 for the wooden ones. Unfortunately they were out, but had reading glasses and cases that my Mom likes for $2.00. Our first score. Across the street is a lovely antique mall.

The Antique mall was full to the brim with stuff and with men. I am not sure what they were all doing, maybe salesmen on their way home for the weekend. Each one took an opportunity to talk to us. Some were real old timers with stories to tell. Paying for our goodies and walking out to the parking lot the large truck next me was quite adorned. Check out the deer on the tow hitch. You would never see that at the beach - maybe a surfboard, but not Bambi.

Onwards and upwards to the Mountains via South Carolina. We stopped outside of Charlotte at one of the Mill towns, Concord for dinner. It is really cool what they have done with some of the old factories. They have turned them into condos, restaurants, and shops. We have such a rich history of textiles here I would hate to see it lost.

This is the appetizer they brought us. It was delicious. The chips were thin and salty, the queso hot and thick, the salsa fresh and sweet. Dinner was perfect, only a few more hours in the car till we get to stop and rest for the night. Tomorrow should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having fun. A dear on the hitch aeh??
    Have a great time, will be right behind ye....


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