Friday, February 6, 2009

Road trip - 2nd stop - Saluda, North Carolina

This little critter barn is the first thing that greets you in Saluda.

Daylight brings a whole new world. When you travel into the mountains at night the whole thing is lost in the dark. Morning brings wonder. Our mission this morning is to eat a good breakfast, take a lot of pictures, wander through the town of Saluda via Hendersonville and Flat Rock. Winding up in Saluda at Random Arts by one o'clock to meet Patti Digh, the author of "Love is a Verb".

Saluda is situated about 35 miles outside of Asheville and about the same from South Carolina. Close to Charlotte, North Carolina, Greenville, South Carolina, an Asheville give it a lot of appeal. A small mountain town with streams, creeks, rivers, and a large gorge nearby. The town is really a couple blocks of main street, school, sheriff's office, and some churches. Very pretty and very well taken care of. Heritage means alot here. Everyone knows everyone, everyone helps their neighbor. The coffee is good, the food even better. Lots of music and art.

North Carolina is noted for the art and music that is taught and produced here. We are a very art friendly community. Different areas are known for different things. For example, Asheville has several art communities, glassblowers, metal smiths, jewelers, sculptors, painters. In Waynesville you will find the John Campbell Folk School where you can learn to make furniture, weave a rug, quilt, make a book, watercolor, or take a photo. The list goes on and on.

Saluda is very art friendly. There is a fabulous store there called Random Arts. It is owned by Jane Powell, a Chicago transplant. Her style and business sense is what has made the store such a success. Her workshops are great, you can find Louise Mc Clure, Michael DeMeng, Katie Kendrick, Kristen Steiner, Nina Bagley, etc...teaching there. Be sure to check out there web site and Jane's blog.

Definitely a place to pull up a chair and stay awhile.

1 comment:

  1. one of my most favorite places...Saluda.
    Summer with concerts in on the caboose...just love it!


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