Friday, March 27, 2009

Freebies #24 - Victorian Trading Cards - Birds

This week's freebies are Victorian trading cards. These were used to advertise a business or product that a business carried. Victorian ladies would collect these and make quite elaborate scrap books using these. I have been very fortunate to come across several of these in my flea market and antique store hunts.
These birds are some of my favorites. I love the tobacco one and the birdcage. These have so many possibilities. As "Spring" is just around the corner and everyday seems to bring a new flock to my yard, I thought birds would be this weeks theme. In sorting through my advertising cards I found a slew of cards I had forgotten about. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will have them all scanned and I can begin sharing. Till then enjoy these and please share what you do with them.


  1. Thank you! The cards are lovely.

  2. Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for sharing. I love birds! You have a great blog! I will stop by often!

  3. Elizabeth,

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful images! They are ALL great! I can't wait to figure out ways to incorporate them in my artwork! Thanks again!


  4. I think your site is fabu, so I'm awarding you YOUR SITE IS FABULOUS award!

  5. These are beautiful images, Elizabeth. Perfect for spring projects. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful birds! My fav is the third one! Thank you!

  7. Elizabeth, it would be great to see a card made with one of these images! They are so appealing but I wouldn't know how to incorporate them creatively?

  8. Thanks for these, Elizabeth. I really like the bird trading cards. I have them "tucked away" for later use.

  9. I'm enjoying my visit at your blog... which is Lovely, I might add! Thank you, kindly, for your thoughtfulness in sharing images from your collections. Much appreciated.



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