Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sorry to be Away for so Long

Ford Crestliner

This has been the week to catch up on everything. Get the pool clean and ready for summer, clean the oven, get the car inspected, oil change, tires rotated, the battery checked, the fluids replaced. Start getting out the warm weather clothes and washing and storing the cold weather coats, jackets and clothes. Take the pets in for their shots and check ups. The list goes on and on...So how has your week been?


  1. Ok..hmmm..spring..where ? Not here, 18 degrees this morning and snow again and more to
    Would love to own a car like that, yep in that color too.
    Thanks for sharing the eggs and templates, they are COOL!!!

  2. wowee, you certainly accomplished a lot - makes me tired just reading your post! the eggs are too cool, btw, love all of them!

  3. Hey there E, I love those zetti eggs so much and that template is awesome.

    I have tagged you for a fun photography challenge on my paper paisleys blog, so go see. thursdays post titled don't give up. cannot wait to see what your photo is... xoxo

  4. My week has been similar except that it's still too cold up here to get out spring clothes. :(

    The eggs are alluring and beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Holy are on a role!! Good for you!! My week's checklist has been more of an internal one than an external one. But, today...I did start straightening up my very messy bungalow!! Yay for me!


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