Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Zetti Eggs

These are some of my eggs for the Zetti Egg Swap. They are about the size of an ATC. We were given a template and were asked to make as many as we wanted to swap. Well.... I thought about it and decided to make a dozen. If I didn't want to swap them all I could hang the extras on my little egg tree. Or... maybe I will just make an egg tree for my studio. I got a bit carried away and made more than a dozen. I thought I would share some with ya'll that were finished and dry. Unfortunately glitter does not scan well, but I assure you I used at least two types of glitter on each egg. I had a bunch of different type of Zetti images [some from Teesha Moore and some from old postcards] and a bunch of cardstock and some paper ribbon. I just sat down and spent a few hours decorating. It was so much fun. This would make a really fun one morning or afternoon group project with arty friends.


  1. These are absolutely fabulous!
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. What beautiful eggs, Elizabeth...just in time for Easter too. Love them and love your blog..always something beautiful here. Please visit my blog, Elizabeth at:

    Hugs, Gayle.

  3. These are just fabulous! I had never seen or heard of these...thanks for sharing!!

    Take Care - Robin

  4. Absolutely delightful Elizabeth! I just love how you put these all together! The fellow swappers are going to adore these! :) I'll let you know when they arrive!

    And please feel free to share the template! I just made it with a shape template in a word document - super easy since I cannot draw a perfect oval freehand.

    If you want to check out my blog it is at: Have a wonderful evening!

  5. wow! your eggs are gorgeous!

  6. Thanks for the inspiration Elizabeth, absolutely love these and find it a great idea too! Nice little change from ATC's - hope to be following your example! Beautiful!
    ps - could you send me the template please if it's not to much trouble?
    I'm - that would be fantastic!

  7. Oops - sorry, just saw the template - thank you!!

  8. Beautiful eggs, so creative!!
    Margaret B

  9. What a great idea! These are soooo cute!

  10. These are spectacular! will definitely have to give these a try

  11. I love your eggs!! They are so unique - I love Zetti - I never saw them as eggs though!

  12. outdid yourself this time! I made 2!!! I sure hope I get one of yours...

  13. These are seriously cool - I might use these as a swap example here in Oz. Absolutely love them! thanks for sharing

  14. Hi Elizabeth - the Zetti eggs are fabulous!!! I'll have to suggest these to my local ATC swap group.Thanks for sharing : ) Sb

  15. These are gorgeous Elizabeth, great combination of colours and images, love them all. Many thanks for the template and the inspiration. M

  16. Oh Elizabeth...these are fantabulous! Wonderful job!! Wowza!!


  17. These are wonderful! I've never heard of these before. We're always looking for new art party projects - these look like so much fun!

  18. LOVE these eggs~~Wowza! This looks like a project! Thanks for posting the template!


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