Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Digital Collage #17 - Discover yourself

This is from the image of the two little girls in the previous digital collage. I just had to do something else. I tinted her eyes, which is really fun to do. The background is from some sidewalk chalk drawings that a friend of mine's granddaughter did this weekend. I just thought they were so sweet that I snapped a few pictures. After I got home I realized what a treasure as backgrounds they could be. I could see this little girl drawing like that in the dirt. I don't think that aspect of growing up as changed that much. At least I hope not.


  1. That is so beautiful and different, I love the blue eyes. I wish I could do more with my pictures, but I am lucky I know how to print them so far!!! Your art work is divine!
    Margaret B

  2. what an inspired background! you're right...some things about childhood don't change, and thank goodness art is one of them! lovely work!

  3. Awww what a great background! I love the little girl's face. Pretty cool to tint the eyes. :)Bea

  4. This is so sweet - I just love it!

  5. I agree with Margaret B! I love your digital work! I need to get photoshop loaded on my computer and try out digital art, it's just gorgeous! I know how to do a tiny little bit but nothing like this! Marva

  6. OMGoodness! This is just wonderful! And the background...brilliant idea!! Great work!!

  7. Fabulous background. Well done for thinking on the spot. Love it.


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