Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. Please remember today that the planet belongs to us all. Remember to respect her. Reuse, recycle, repurpose... figure out today how you can be a better citizen of this wonderful place called Earth.


  1. You said it!

    I used two (!) of your freebies for my Earth Day collage!

    You're too cool for school for giving these to us to use!

  2. Amen to that Elizabeth! It's the only planet we've got! Let's all do what's within our power to make a difference!

  3. Hope you had a Happy Earth Day Elizabeth. It is encouraging that more people are becoming aware and trying to make changes to leave a lighter footprint on our planet, it certainly has taken the movement a long time to catch hold!
    Here's to Earth Day every day :)

  4. Hoorah for earth keepers I say. I make 'raggy bags' and use old clothes cut up, vegetable nets, bubble wrap, old rope. I made one bag out of stuff entirely collected from a beach! Love recycling.

  5. I just love visiting your blog and see what pieces you come up with. You are such an inspiration!
    Happy Earth Day!
    Gaby xo

  6. words to live by.. so there is an earth for our little ones.

    thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your very kind compliments!

    I LOVE your blog header.. truly fabulous!


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