Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Guess Who Had a Birthday?

My Chinese take out fellow told me today is Buddha's birthday. Celebrated in most Asian countries - particularly Japan - today. How about that? I never thought of Buddha having a birthday so I googled it and sure enough today is the day. So, I ate my spicy shrimp with only garlic and mushrooms with yummy peanut noodles, meditated a little afterwords, and made this collage while sipping my new green tea. I am hoping Buddha is asking for peace in the Far East. No more people shooting things at other people. That would be a great birthday present for him.
Hope you enjoy my collage.


  1. I love Buddhist art so happy birthday Buddha..let's hope peace is brought to the world and prayers for the Italians.

  2. Lord Gotama Sidhartha's birthday (the Buddha) his birthday is celebrated today by those of the Mahayana school. We Theravada's of the Oldest school of thought (practiced in India, Sri Lankia, Nepal (Buddha's homeland) and south east Asia) celebrate it in May by the moons phases. Buddha is not a God. Buddha is gone. That's why he is the Buddha of then because he obtained Nibbana (Nirvana) and released from rebirth but his good deeds his extinguishment of karma arising. We recognise all Gods but there are none in Buddha of any school. A 'Buddha' is a wise person, a supreme human being but not a god. He cannot pray or bring peace only we can do that. Prince Siddhartha's family (ancestors) still live in Lumpini (Lumbini) in present day Nepal though it was in India when the Buddha was born. Buddha died on the day of his birth. He attended a feast and it is thought he sickened after that. The statues you see around are reminders of the Way and are not a part of a worship. He is not worshiped, but his wisdom is.

  3. What a beautiful piece, and beautiful thoughts. If only....

  4. I like what you've done with this. And the thought behind it is good.

  5. Hi Elizabeth!
    THANK YOU so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! You are so kind! I LOVE what you did with this Buddha image for his birthday . . . This is a BEAUTIFUL piece! April
    8th is also my anniversary! Hee! Hee!!!


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