Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Digital Collage #13 - Simple Times

After my walk this morning I had the need to create. I found some old images and decided to combine them and see if I could not make one whole picture. I love the little girl with her large hat. The elegance of the doll and the crudeness of the log cabin sort of play off each other. I am trying to teach myself how to tint photos. Getting the right hue and brush on the computer has a definite learning curve to it. I did manage the little forget me nots though.


  1. I love this.....she could be dorothy's next door neighbor in Kansas....

  2. Fabulous, Elizabeth. The image is beautiful & I love that little doll!

  3. This is a gorgeous digital collage! Love her face...that sweet smile! You did a great job telling a story with this piece. I am a big fan of digital collage :-)

  4. Your just the best! Love the little girl. Such a wonderfully talented little lady!

  5. I like the pale color you've added to the cheeks of the doll and girl. The blue of the flowers..just the right touch.

  6. I agree with the above comments, this digital collage is gorgeous!
    Gaby xo


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