Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just a Quick Thank You


I just wanted to say "Thank you" to everyone who was so kind to leave me a comment and kind thought for my speedy recovery. I am felling so much better. Still a slight thud going on in my head, but not the "I am pulling the top of my head off and my eyes are rolling around" I felt for most of last week. It is amazing what some of these "super" drugs can do. I can see why they are not to be used indiscriminately. They really are a miracle.

Last week I felt like Modigliani's painting Beatrice. This week more like Matisse's Le Musique. All of your thoughts were really up lifting. I appreciate it more than you know. I tried to email or post on most of your blogs last week. If for some reason you didn't hear from me it was beacause I couldn't find a way to get in touch or I honestly I was resting and lost my train of thought. It felt like a bad case of the flu with out some of the gastric problems. Please know I was touched by each and every one's good wishes and kind thoughts for me. Thank you.

Le Musique


  1. So glad your head is on the mend! I know exactly what that train feels like when it's chugging through your brain!!!!
    Margaret B

  2. Elizabeth, Sorry I missed that you were feeling unwell, I would have wished you the best as well. I can tell by your chosen art that you are definitely feeling brighter! What a wonderful way to show how you feel. Isn't it funny how you can go from one artwork to the other and physically feel the different mood?!

    Good to hear from you again. Leanne.


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.