Monday, May 4, 2009

Burned Out

Last week one of my girlfriends gave me my five minutes of "Whine and Wine time". I told her I was feeling just really burned out with EVERYTHING. Nothing in particular, just everything. She told me I needed to get out more, do more, quite whining and just do it. She would be in charge of a weekend of things to do that I would not have to think about. I could do that.

It was a great plan. The best thing is I do feel more relaxed. Ready to start the week again. I thought I would share one of the things we did. We went to a very small city auction house and mingled, ate great home cooking, met all sorts of interesting people, took lots of pictures, bought some interesting things, saw some incredible and not so incredible things, laughed - A LOT, and forgot who we were for a few days. I feel like my muse has been renourished.

I am going to put some phot0s in the next post. They are mostly of small things. Although there was a lot of cabinets, tables, chairs, and other assorted furniture, nothing that took my breath away. Hope you enjoy.

p.s. The chimney is from a house that the city was going to tear down and the fire fighters got to practice on.


  1. What an incredible friend to give you the gift of doing nothing! So glad that you're feeling regenerated.

  2. What a good friend to know what you needed. :)Bea

  3. Love the photo!!!! Yes we all need to take time out and air out the muse, let her go play....

  4. A lovely post. I'm so glad you're feeling rejuvenated now. Just what you needed. A fine friend to have. Looking forward to seeing the photos.

  5. Loved the photo and how it went with your title! You don't seem to have lost your creativity to me. It is easy to get overwhelmed and some down time with your BFF is a great remedy! Can't wait to see your images.


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