Monday, May 4, 2009

A Night at the Auction House

Someone's jewelry box right off there dresser. The dresser and bed set were sold, also. I always feel a little teary eyed when I see stuff like this. Knowing everyone in the family has pawed through it all and taken what they wanted and this is what is left. This person wore and probably loved this stuff. When my grandmother passed, my Mother and Sister and I went through her things. My Sister was a teenager at the time and nothing was cool to her, but I could remember most of it and had loved it when she wore it and was honored to have some. We ended up keeping it all. I come from a long line of hoarders and nick knackers. One of my husbands use to kid me about how we still had room on the ceiling.
No auction or antique store is complete without old bottles. Where I live they are everywhere. There is a place on the river called the "bottle dump". It is on River Road. Imaginative isn't it. You can go and dig. I was talking to one guy at the auction who told me of several other sites along the river to go to "find" things. He was a native and seemed to know all the "places". Another day.
There was a whole table of games and different soaps and old advertising type things. It was interesting to see how much they were appreciated. I have always loved the graphics and fonts on these products. Everything seemed to be made with a little extra put into it. I wish some of these companies would take the time to put more style into their things.
All the men folk gathered around the hunting and fishing items. These lures were interesting. I have been finding a lot of these on the beach in the mornings. They are pretty wicked with those hooks. I have been thinking of a couple of art projects to do with them. If any one else has done something with them besides fish let me know - please.

A nice transfer ware wash set - minus the pitcher. The large basin, potty, a cup and soap holder. I resisted. This cream with brown is one of my favorites. I decided - although it went for a song, to hold out for something else. I figure I will always have the picture.
A pair of Raggedy Ann dolls. They were very well loved. It tickled me to death to see all the women at the auction mosey over to check them out at some point during the evening. They were sold to a very sweet silver head lady with no grand children who just wanted the memories. How sweet is that?

A tray of flower frogs. These were really cool. I think they were some ones collection or else they did a lot of flower arrangements. I am fortunate to have quite a few of my grandmother's. She did the flowers for the church every Wednesday and Thursday. Some times it was the Baptist church sometimes it was the Methodist church. She didn't like to do the Catholic church. I think the candles and holy water made her nervous. She asked me why they had to have that poor suffering man upfront in their church. It just depended on who had sweet talked her for the year to do their flowers. She was always mad at one or the other. Most of her flowers came right out of her garden. She was known to do flowers for weddings and luncheons. I would sit in awe of her creations. I still am not very good at flower arranging. I love fresh flowers though.

Knitting needles and a old tobacco tin. Very North Carolina. We use to have so many mills and factories that produced yarn and lace, all types of material. Now slowly most of them have been closed and moved to other sites. The up side is that a lot of these mills have been turned into condos, lofts, and studios.

So these were just some of the sights and sounds of an evening at the auction house. i am told they have an auction every weekend in May. Hmm I love the pie at this place....


  1. What super, nostalgic photos. I loved that tin in the last picture full on knitting needles. I'd have bought it! There is a shop in Scarborough on the east Coast of the UK which sells all old tins, mugs, boxes, such as you are showing in the 3rd photo. Palmolive soap. I used to play Pit, a very noisy game but such fun.

    Jim and I used to go to the monthly auction in Worthing, where our house in the UK is and it was such fun. No pies though, only biscuits!

  2. Wonderful wonderful stuff for all kinds of digital collages and transfers. So nostalgic I always end up wondering what the folks who owned this stuff were like.

    I have my late father's collection of old bottles and love them. Would like to find more. You live in such an interesting place!!

    Thanks for sharing.

    PS A trip to something different can sometimes be the road back to the muse...

    always love to hear from you.

  3. Elizabeth,
    Would you send me you email address again? I have a couple of photoshop questions.


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