Friday, May 8, 2009

Freebies - Mother's Day Images #3 - Real Mothers

Look at his darling clothes and lace collar. I like the family album on the table.

The apple did not fall far from the tree here. This pioneer Mom looks tired.

Look at the huge bow in the daughter's hair and lovely lace on her dress.

Love love love this. This is new motherhood.

These two Mom's look so happy to be Moms. generations apart yet timeless.

Here are some real Mothers. Several of these pictures are of pioneer women and their children. These women spent long days alone except for their children. You can see the love they had for them in the clothes they wear, the small touch, the way they lean in to them or hold them. That universal Mom love. Where would the world be with out it?


  1. Thanks for the beautiful pix. :)

  2. Thank you so much for sharing, Elizabeth! These images are absolutely beautiful and your kindness is appreciated. Hugs, Gayle.

  3. Sweet images! Thanks for sharing! Happy Mother's Day!

  4. These are beautiful. It's interesting that we mothers rarely have photos taken of us with just our children. Usually it's the whole family or the children alone. It's definitely something to bring back.

  5. beautiful photos! thanks for sharing!

  6. I do not know when I have seen more beautiful and touching photos Elizabeth. Thank you SO very much once again for your generosity and kindness!

    Mother of five boys, my hat goes off to you!

    Happiest of Mother's Day to you! oxo

  7. Wonderful images of a mother's love for her child. I also loved reading about your boys (men) and the call you received.

    Jan in AZ

  8. Thank you for sharing the lovely images, Elizabeth. Happy Mother's Day - I hope it's wonderful for you and your family!
    ~Nina in San Diego~

  9. What a wonderful collection of old portraits. As a portrait photographer these images remind me of how important my job really is. These memories are recorded not only for the family but just random people to be blessed by them generations to come!
    Have a great Mothers Day!

  10. My favorite kind of art, old photos what a beautiful way to share mother's day with us..
    Thank you Elizabeth
    connie paxman

  11. Thanks so much for sharing! all the old photos!

  12. These photos are STUNNING!! Thank you for sharing them:)The first and second ones are my favorites. Just lovely! Love, Jamie


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