Friday, May 8, 2009

Reward's of Motherhood

My phone rung bright and early this morning. It was my oldest and his wife off to see a new part of the world with friends for a much needed vacation. As I struggled awake I heard " Mom I didn't want to leave without wishing you an early Happy Mother's Day. I felt like the father in "Father of the Bride" where she calls from the airport to say goodbye after being married. Here was my son in the airport doing the same thing. I realized after we hung up and I had told him "to have a great time, I loved them, be safe, and wash your hands" that we never stop being mothers...

So all morning I have been thinking about being a Mother, My Mother and her Mother...Lessons taught and lessons learned. How the biggest things turn into small things and small things can turn into big things.

All of my adult life I have been a Mother. I started early because "we wanted to be young enough to enjoy them, travel, and life when they grew up". Makes sense. One of the reward's of having five boys and sitting through endless baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse games, then off to wrestling and swimming meets is the ability to appreciate the whole picture. Not that I did not enjoy watching my kids in a variety of team settings, strutting their stuff, and the endless driving to and from, I will not even mention the laundry produced by all of this or the food needed to nourish their bodies. Being the only girl in a house full of boys and their friends can be rather hard. So when this little one came into our lives a whole new world opened. I can not even begin to explain the difference of girls and boys. It is there from the first breath.

I am so honored to be a Mother to five such wonderful men. All of the things I have learned about myself and seen through their eyes. Watching them struggle, work hard, and succeed as been an incredible experience. Thank you for giving me a life of joy and bringing such sunshine into my life. Thank you for marrying these incredible women and bringing this little one into our lives.


  1. That's so sweet. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy Mother's Day Elizabeth.
    Yes this day is especially about looking at our children and seeing them grown and independent.
    But it is also a time to remember our moms. And this will be the first Mother's Day without her.
    Your little one is precious.


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