Tuesday, July 14, 2009

RAK's and more.....

It all started with a picture of a swan. Two people found they shared a love of just not art but of swans. An internet friendship begins. That is how this story begins. Today I went to my mail box and there was this box waiting for me. I took it home and opened it. Much to my surprise was a wonderful Swan picture all stamped and colored. It is beautiful. Not only that, also wrapped in lovely material and an antique hanky was a swan inchie ornament, and artfully woven a delicious smelling bundle. It was so random and sweet it brought tears to my eyes. So, thank you so much Patty - Magpie's Nest -I am sending out this collage sheet of swans I made. I know you will find a use for it. And... tomorrow I will post the second one. Thank you so much. See what one kind gesture can start.


  1. What a perfectly lovely post Elizabeth, it was your kindness that inspired me originally. The beautiful swan feathers you shared with me are in a special spot in a German vase where I can enjoy them every day!
    I am over the moon about your collage sheet....many thanks to you!

  2. having been the recipient of a RAK recently, from the fabulous Elizabeth Golden, I have to say that it made me feel blessed, connected and joy-full. I'm glad, since it wasn't me (yet) that you received this beautiful gift - and by another Patty(i) - yay!

  3. Amazing work! How beautiful...


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