Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Second Freebie Collage Sheet - Swans

The second Swan Collage sheet as promised. Please do something nice for someone else today. Who knows it might mean more than you ever know.


  1. What beautiful collage sheets. Thank you so much for sharing them with us. :)
    I've started my first digital class using Photoshop Elements. It's a little overwhelming, so much to learn. :)Bea

  2. Thank you SO much for these beautiful swans! I, too, am a firm believer in RAK and paying it forward. Hugs, Terri :)

  3. WOWEE Lady another gorgeous sheet of swan delights! Thank you SO much!!!
    Your recent digital art really takes my breath away!!!

  4. I LOVE this...& can't wait to make a fabulous swan creation!!! Thanks so much for your gift & stopping by my blog to say hi, I really appreciate it!
    Have a HAPPY DAY!!!


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