Monday, August 31, 2009

Freebies - Collage Sheet - Woman in Red

Do you ever get a tune stuck in your head that you just can't get rid of? Well, I awoke to the sound of thunder, rain and the lyrics...."woman in red....." I figured it must be some sort of sign after about six hours and I should just go with it. I went through my various folders of images and decided to make a new folder of "Women in Red". Then, I decided to make some collage sheets. So, here is the first of three. Enjoy and make something fun.


  1. Ohhhh . . . Love these Ladies in Red, Elizabeth! Thank you SO much. Have a great week too! Hugs, Terri

  2. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thanks so much for the freebie, I'm always on the lookout for good images!

  4. Gorgeous ladies Elizabeth - thank you so much!!
    Ali xx

  5. Oh my, they are great, had to make a copi right away, after saving it,-
    you are making the most beautifull sheets.
    Thank`s so much , Dorthe

  6. Beautiful collage sheet Elizabeth. Absolutely stunning my friend
    thank you. I hope all is good with you. I am taking a computer break and just called in to check my emails
    glad i did lol
    hugs June xxx

  7. Love,love,LOVE RED! Thanks for these ladies. Sally


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