Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Little Antiquing

Last week I took my company up to the Big City to do some shopping an antiquing. We share the love of the hunt together. We hit all the thrift stores, a couple of antique malls and then a few antique stores. I had a great time taking pictures and talking to the owners. I was good, I had found a whole bag of stuff at one of the thrift store for $2.17 it seemed a shame to spend my money on anything else.

One of the things I enjoy about going to these places is seeing how they decorate and combine different odds and ends. I always find such good ideas for displaying my things. For instance one of the stores had taken a lace panel and hung it on the ceiling. Then attached ribbons and hung some lovely ornaments on it. I am going to share an assortment of photos with you. Maybe you will find some ideas or just enjoy the browsing.


  1. I love these type of places as well...you never know what you'll find even if you only have a few dollars to spend...

  2. WONDERFUL photos Elizabeth and what treasures to buy! They are my favourite places to and isn't it exciting to find a bargain!

  3. Oh, what finds. Green is not my favorite, but I could live with that stove!
    Thanks for sharing.
    The digital frames you have used to accent your photos are terrific!!

  4. Oh how fun!!! I want to come there and go antiquing! I'd love to own an antique shop! Of course I'd probably never sell anything...


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