Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall is Here!

Fall came in with a blast this year. As I turned off the lights last night the lightening show started. There is something so soothing about lying in bed watching the lightening and following asleep to the rain. All across the South we are one big rain storm.

I have been watching the weather channel and watching all my old friends and neighbors in Atlanta deal with an unbelievable mess. There is nothing worse than flooding and water damage. My heart goes out to all of those people.

Out local paper just did a spread on Hurricane Floyd and the tremendous flood that North Carolina went through in 1998. Living through that flood really opened my eyes to the power of water. Nature is a very powerful thing. I am giving you this last September image. She looked like a powerful muse to me.


  1. Amazing weather all around. Here in WA we have had amazingly dry hot summer and fall. Today in the foothills it will reach 90. Normaly we are the rain state. It is so dry here it is a no burn ban. Hard to think about the flooding. So sad. Sharon

  2. Hi Elizabeth, I agree with you about flooding and water damage. I feel so deeply for those affected. We live in a flood-prone area but our lot is safe; or has been for the last 11 years at least.

    Thank you for the image; it's great!!

  3. I loved the picture of the woman and the umbrella...

  4. It is dry as a bone here in N VA, I agree about storms, I really enjoy them. That said ... It's very sad that so many people are suffering because of too much rain = totally heartbreaking.
    You always share such lovely images Elizabeth. I just used a sweet one this morning of a girl and her grandpa in an arch, many thanks!


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